DIAMOND DOG. Inside the ‘Project Veritas' plan to steal the election for Trump: “For well over a year, Project Veritas has been secretly producing undercover stings designed to undermine the integrity of absentee and mail-in ballot counts—an endeavor codenamed ‘Diamond Dog,' according to documents we have obtained. Diamond Dog began as only one facet of Project Veritas's 2020 rat-f**king strategy, but with the onset of the pandemic, which has made in-person voting a dicey proposition, it has since become one of the group's top-line action items.”
RYAN BREAUX. Frank Ocean's teen brother reportedly killed in fiery car accident. “Several messages of condolences were shared on social media on Sunday after news of the crash's reported victims, who some friends gathered nearby for a memorial told CBS2/KCAL9 were singer Frank Ocean's teen brother Ryan Breaux and classmate and school athlete Ezekial ‘Zeek' Bishop.”
DEUTSCHE BANK. Investigation of Trump and Kushner's banker launched. “In June 2013, the banker, Rosemary Vrablic, and two of her Deutsche Bank colleagues purchased a Park Avenue apartment for about $1.5 million from a company called Bergel 715 Associates, according to New York property records. Mr. Kushner, a senior adviser to the president, disclosed in an annual personal financial report late Friday that he and his wife, Ivanka Trump, had received $1 million to $5 million last year from Bergel 715.”

A GAY IN THE LIFE. Garrett Clayton and his fiancé Blake Knight talk about their new YouTube channel: “On the channel, the pair interview LGBTQ+ people around the globe to educate and inform their audience on what it is like to be an LGBTQ+ person in 2020 here in the US and all around the world.”
THE ELLEN SHOW. James Corden rumored to take Ellen DeGeneres' daytime slot.
CAITLYN JENNER. On Kanye West's recent meltdown: “I've kind of just watched it go down…He's been the most kind, loving human being and so good to be throughout the years and he's been the best friend. He's extremely supportive.”
COVIDIOT OF THE DAY. Douchebag YouTuber Jake Paul says he'll keep throwing crowded parties during the COVID crisis: “No one has answers, our leadership is failing us, and everyone kind of just doesn't know what to do. But I personally am not the type of person who's gonna sit around and not live my life.””
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. FOX News ratings collapsed when it broadcast John Lewis's funeral.
INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Republicans already jockeying for power grab when Trump exits: “The early feuding that has already erupted inside the House GOP is being fueled by Trump's dismal poll numbers and growing fears that Republicans could sink even further into the House minority, underscoring the anxiety in the GOP conference just three months before the election.”
IRAN. COVID crisis three times worse than what it has reported: “The government's own records appear to show almost 42,000 people died with Covid-19 symptoms up to 20 July, versus 14,405 reported by its health ministry.”
LINCOLN PROJECT ADS OF THE DAY. Nationalist Geographic and Moms.
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY. Call Me By Your Name director Luca Guadagnino will direct a scripted adaptation by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg of the documentary Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood: “The film focuses on Scotty Bowers, a World War II Marine combat veteran who fought at the Battle of Iwo Jima and became a legendary bisexual male hustler and date-arranger for gay Hollywood movie stars from the 1940s until the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s. “
MUSIC VIDEO OF THE DAY. Madeon “Miracle”.
MONDAY MUSCLE. Curtis Fitzgerald.