A woman posing as an agent from a fake federal agency, the “Freedom to Breathe Agency,” has gone viral after harassing an employee at Mother's Market in Orange County, California, telling her that she could face legal action from the government if she continued to enforce the store's mandatory mask policy.
The woman was later identified as Lenka Koloma, an extreme right-wing holistic health and detox nut.
Said Federal Agent Karen to the young staffer: “We are with FTBA, the Freedom to Breathe Agency. We are a We The People Organization making sure that people's constitutional rights, civil and federal laws are not broken, okay? And so you personally need to take this to your manager because you personally can be sued for this, okay?”
“I'm just following my store policy right now,” the employee replied.
“You're probably paid $12 an hour or $15 an hour, okay? But you are putting yourself into a major legal liability. You personally. Okay? You guys need to be careful.”
The New York Times also identified Koloma as the founder of the fake agency in a June article about its bogus face mask exemption cards.
Koloma responded on her Instagram page after the video went viral.
Wrote Koloma: “Message to all the haters that stormed my IG account today: ‘Thank you. Thank you for showing your ignorance to what the United States of America stands for. Our republic was built on promises of freedom and personal liberty. I have lived in communism where the government dictates what you can and cannot do. You have no idea or reference. If you want to wear a face mask please feel free to do so. Just please allow others to make their own educated decision. If you cannot see through all the lies and corruption you are lost and asleep. For the rest of us, the true patriots, our fight goes on and you only bring the needed attention to our cause. So, thank you. Just remember that hate and anger will never bring you an inner peace. We feel for you and see that you are hurting for which we send tons of love and healing light your way because that's who we are. Namaste' 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸#peace #loveyourself #freedom#truth #healthylifestyle #nofear#awake #faith“