Gay kiss outside Rome's Colisseum inspires arrest, followed by massive kiss-in.
Scissor Sisters' Jake Shears announces he's going to have a civil union with partner.
Deaths: La Cage actor Michel Serrault, Ingmar Bergman, Tom Snyder, Antonioni.
‘Comedian' Brian Dunkleman wishes AIDS on Ryan Seacrest.
Coming Soon: Sordid Lives, The Golden Compass, The Beard.
Barack Obama feels the Vibe, picks up gay bishop endorsement.
On the Tube: Hillary Heckler, Pinkberry, Anderson Cooper, Chris Dodd v Bill O'Reilly.
UPS decides to deliver civil union benefits to same-sex New Jersey couples.
Chief Justice John Roberts suffers seizure at Maine summer home.
Hong Kong man gets 10 years in prison for ‘gay panic' murder.
All About Andre: An exclusive DNA preview by Lewis Payton, and Part Two.
Venice Film Festival announces Queer Film award for films with gay characters.
Gays in Singapore: Kissing photo exhibit banned and Ian McKellen's video message.
Judge warns the McGreeveys that protracted court battle will milk them dry.
Killer of gay Canadian bartender caught after massive manhunt.
Drunk, crossdressing Baptist minister flashes kids, ofers cops oral sex.
Democratic candidates to hold dueling West Hollywood fundraisers on gay debate night.
Tragedy in Minneapolis as I-35 bridge collapses over Mississippi River.
Director Kevin Smith lets heckler have it at Comic-con, plus Small Town Gay Bar.
Looking at the disappointing sales of gay “celebrity” books.
Out of Sync: Lance Bass shows off shiny new book cover.
NYC Firefighter calendar cover model Michael Biserta and his extra large hose.
Lesbian attacked with fists and bottle in Tequila Joe's bar in Tennessee.
Village People cop says YMCA about “straight fun” not gay cruising.
PLUS: BB8 Nick's Mohawk, The Game, The Backstreet Boys, Elton John, Pete Wentz.