Orlando Performance artist Brian Feldman plans to marry Hannah Feldman (below), a stranger he chose from three women who showed up to his call for wives on February 8, as a demonstration of the inequalities faced by gays and lesbians who want to marry.
Meet Brian and his three prospective brides, AFTER THE JUMP…
Writes Feldman: “Is this entire project a mockery of marriage? Not at all! It's completely within the legal rights of Brian and any other heterosexual couple with $123.50 (plus $6 for a standard marriage certificate). Sound absurd? Not nearly absurd as denying the equal right to marry for same-sex couples who truly care about each other; who've been in committed, productive and, most importantly, loving relationships for upwards of 20+ years. That, to Brian, and millions of Americans who believe in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality, is truly absurd – to say nothing of a civil injustice.”
They plan to marry this Friday at 3 pm at the Orange County Courthouse.
Meet Brian and his three prospective brides, AFTER THE JUMP…