NBC Miami reports:
"Ashlee Lineberger of Englewood recently mailed in her $48 renewal fee for a new license and when she got her new state-issued ID back in the mail, she noticed that she was no longer from Englewood.
The license said she lived in 'Eat Ass,' Florida. We're still looking for it on the map."
Florida officials laughed:
"The line that was supposed to display Lineberger's street address was replaced by the vulgar message and the state Department of Motor Vehicles has no clue how the mishap occurred.
Lineberger's husband, Charles, said after getting the run around on the phone with the state DMV, the couple went to the local DMV to get some answers. What they got was laughter and a quote for another fee if they wanted the license fixed.
'They thought it was hilarious like it was some kind of joke,' he said. 'Then they wanted us to pay for another license.'
On Wednesday, state officials contacted Lineberger to apologize for the error and told her a new license – free of charge – would be in the mail. But she still doesn't have an answer to how she got the new address."