NYT: Gay service members discuss DADT.
DADT Senate press conference excludes SLDN, Lady Gaga vets. includes HRC.
Largest, toughest spider webs in the world discovered in Madagascar.
Google Me: Kim Zolciak's latest assault on our senses.
Alexander McQueen remembered in London: "Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica Parker and Naomi Campbell were among those taking a break from London Fashion Week to attend the memorial service at St Paul's Cathedral."
Scott Heim's Mysterious Skin reimagined by theatre group of Asian actors in L.A.
Bill & Ted sequel in the works?
Watch: Betty 'f-ing' White runs a sweat shop.
Ben Affleck back on top with The Town.
Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame celebrated its 20th year last week, inducting 15 new members: "mong the individual inductees are renowned lesbian playwright Claudia Allen, Homolatte founder and musician Scott Free, writer and performer E. Patrick Johnson, Pullitzer Prize-winning journalist Achy Obejas, Chicago Police Department LGBT liaison Jose Rios and Chicago House CEO Rev. Stan Sloan. Asians & Friends Chicago and International Mr. Leather will be inducted as organizations, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois and Chicago History Museum will also be honored as friends of the community."
A new Christina Aguilera still from Burlesque.
It's a meta pizza!
Canadian landlord forced to pay gay couple for discriminating against them: "A Yellowknife landlord has been ordered to pay $13,400 to a gay couple he refused to rent a house to because of religious beliefs."
Mashable interviews gay Facebook founder Chris Hughes, about his new project Jumo: "Jumo is building a social network to connect people who want to change the world. We make it easy for people to find, follow, and support those who work day in and day out on the challenges our world faces. We don't make normative judgments about what people should care about – we're just the infrastructure that helps the individual pursue her passions in a more meaningful way."
Comedian launches in-flight Twitter nipple assault on Ken Mehlman.
Is Fidel Castro responsible for the U.S. gay rights movement?
San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders to receive award from the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association.
Today is a Day with HIV in America.
Robyn's fall North American tour dates.
UK Lib Dems call for marriage equality: "Lib Dem members have urged ministers to recognise gay marriage as a "distinctly liberal" step to a more equal society. They supported a conference motion calling on 'discriminatory' barriers to equal marriage rights to be removed. One delegate told the conference that existing legal distinctions between marriage and civil partnerships 'taunted' people who were not married. Although Lib Dem ministers support the move, it is unlikely to have an immediate impact on government policy."