Canadian country singer Drake Jensen came out of the closet this week with the release of a video featuring his husband which Jensen dedicated to Jamie Hubley, the gay Ottawa teen who committed suicide last October after being bullied.
Jensen talks about coming out to Cash Box Canada:
“As a child I always knew there was something different about me above and beyond the gay thing. Even during the worst of the bullying I always felt I would make it through. My small town was like a pack of wolves; they sniffed out the damaged ones and turned on them. I was that wolf that was different from everybody else but I always knew God had something special in mind for me…I have been so lucky to be given so much, I have no choice but to give back. I give back through my music and through my story. I'm a homosexual musician telling my story through songs and spreading the message of love. In a perfect world, what could be wrong with that?”
Check out Jensen's video for his new single "On My Way to Finding You" and a statement he made about it to East Coast Kitchen, AFTER THE JUMP…

"On My Way to Finding You"