Davidson, North Carolina to hold Saturday rally opposing Amendment One.
GLAAD Commentator Accountability Project indexing high in Google to anti-gays' chagrin.
For Hunger Games fans, a map of Panem.
Kim Kardashian covered in flour.
Michigan Native American tribe considering marriage equality: "Most of the about 4,000 people in the tribe live in Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula. If the measure is approved, at least one of partner would have to be a member of the tribe. The idea was initially encouraged by two tribal citizens in a letter to the tribal council urging consideration of an amendment."
Whitney's death: accidental drowning, chronic cocaine use.
Game Show Network plans "Bible Challenge" starring Jeff Foxworthy.
Malaysian politician Datuk Baharum Mohamad calls for "government to establish a homosexual rehabilitation centre to prevent same-sex relationships from getting rampant in the country."
UK petition calls for Alan Turing to be on the next £10 note.
VIDEO: Lana Del Rey performs "Video Games" on American Idol.
Student at Miami of Ohio files complaint after the university denies him chance to be a residential assistant in an all-male dorm because he is transgender: "Kaeden Kass, who was born a female but identifies as a male, told WLWT-TV that instead, the university offered him the same position — in the all-female dorm."
Mel Wymore, candidate for New York City Council: “I’m not running because I’m transgender, [But, he said, that] doesn’t mean that being transgender doesn’t bring a certain perspective.”
Nepal to unveil first 'gender neutral' public toilet. Sunil Pant: "I decided to use part of my Parliamentary Development Fund to build the toilet that is 'for all', not just for men and women. Toilets and places for praying are simultaneously private and public place, but for those people who don’t identify as male or female, accessing these places might mean that they have to reveal an intimately private aspect of their lives to strangers and authorities and still can be denied access. This can cause huge amount of stress for “third-genders and/or others” as these places has been build exclusively only for male and female these days in this modern world."
Justin Bieber explains how he's a mogul on Ellen.
Joel McHale strips down on Community.
Beth Ditto gets ready to make a joyful noise.
An attack in New Orleans French Quarter may become hate crime case: "NOPD officers arrested 23 year old Jeffrey Lee Sunday night, charging him with simple battery for allegedly beating up a gay couple, for no apparent reason. Now, the NOPD say the Orleans Parish District Attorney is reviewing the case, to see if the battery charge against Lee can be bumped up to a hate crime."
College men walk a mile in high heels.
Oklahoma methods sign pledge of support for same-sex marriage: "Retired Oklahoma City minister Jim Gragg is collecting signatures and says 62 clergy and 203 members have signed the statement. The Oklahoma United Methodist Conference says there about 300,000 Methodists in the state."
New York state Senator Ruben Diaz claims marriage equality has backfired on the Democratic party: “Starting with the defeat of David Weprin by Bob Turner for the Congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner, and most recently with the embarrassing defeat of Lew Fidler by David Storobin for the Senate seat vacated by Carl Kruger, the Democratic Party lost…You can spin this any which way you want, but the fact of the matter remains that gay marriage has played a major role in the outcome of each of these elections."