As Andrew reported last week, Kylar Broadus, founder of the Trans People of Color Coalition, became the first transgender witness to testify before the Senate today when he made remarks at a hearing earlier today before the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee on ENDA.
Broadus testified on his experience of discrimination as a trans person.
Said Broadus (thanks to Think Progress for the transcript and clip):
When I used female restrooms, police would accost me. I would have to strip and then they still told me, “Sir, get out of the bathroom,” when I would use the ladies' room. It's just humiliating and dehumanizing to say the least.[…]
Prior also to the physical transition, I was working in the financial industry, which is actually a high-paying industry. But again, when I shifted or transitioned, that's when all the trouble began. And it's still emotional to me, because it impacted me emotionally — I suffer from post-traumatic stress as a result of the harassment that I encountered in the workplace from my employer.[…]
To be unemployed is very devastating, also demeaning and demoralizing. And then the recovery time — there is no limit on it. I still have not financially recovered. I'm underemployed. When I do talks, I tell people I'm not employable. I was lucky to be where I am and I'm happy to be where I am, but I'm one of the fortunate people that is employed. There are many more people like me that are not employed as a result of just being who they are — being good workers, but being transgender or transsexual.