Family Equality Council: To Sochi with Love.
Uganda: Suspected gay couple jailed in Luzira prison.
Cambridge students hold gay kiss-in flash mob to show solidarity for LGBT Russians.
Shirtless Ricky Martin has no selfie control.
BBC: Nigerian gay people being hunted down. "The imams and pastors were alerted, so that they should preach in churches and mosques about this illegal thing."
UK Home Office under fire for humiliating interrogations of gay and lesbian asylum seekers.
Family Research Council files amicus brief in support of Utah gay marriage ban: "'The principal defining characteristic of marriage, as it has been understood in our 'history, legal traditions and practices,' is the union of a man and a woman,' according to the filing."
Bromantic: Derek Hough and Mark Ballas bought a house together.
The San Francisco Chronicle supported gay marriage in 1970.
Channing Tatum looks to Matthew McConnaughey for inspiration on Magic Mike sequel.
Penn launching LGBT health initiative: "In one of the broadest efforts in the nation to bring sexual minorities into the medical mainstream, the University of Pennsylvania is unrolling an LGBT health initiative that spans the medical, dental, and nursing schools as well as the region's largest health system."
Corrupt figure skating deal alleged at Sochi: "According to L'Équipe, which quoted an unnamed Russian coach, the United States intended to help Russia win the overall team event and the pairs competition. In return, Russia would make sure the Americans Charlie White and Meryl Davis won the ice dancing competition."
Tom Welling shows off his shirtless bod for Andrea Marino's new photo book.
Zachary Quinto and Miles McMillan step out for a walk in the NYC winter.
Male model fix: Saville Dorfman.
Chicago's Sidetrack bar lifts ban on Stoli vodka: "Sidetrack, 3349 N. Halsted, announced on its Facebook page Thursday it will once again serve Stoli after the company that makes it donated $300,000 to a gay-rights group."
Michael Sam wore rainbow bracelets during 8 college football games.
Activists protest Mississippi Rep. Steven Palazzo for anti-gay remarks.
Dallas County DA Craig Watkins announces LGBT task force. “Several months back, I took the opportunity to meet with leaders in the LGBT community and discovered there was a communication gap between many law enforcement agencies and the LGBT community,” Dallas County DA Craig Watkins said. “I was disappointed to hear that many victims of domestic violence or hate crimes were afraid to speak out because they feared lack of a law enforcement response.”