Wingnut Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver is very unhappy that he is perceived to be an anti-gay bigot
Wingnut Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver is very unhappy that he is perceived to be an anti-gay bigot, reports Right Wing Watch.
This is the same Liberty Counsel that has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the same Mat Staver who was listed by Human Rights Campaign in a new report that exposes some of the most vitriolic activists in the U.S. promoting anti-gay bigotry abroad.
Nonetheless, at this weekend's annual Values Voter Summit, organized by anti-gay bigots Family Research Council, Staver fumed over a letter sent by various civil rights and LGBT groups to Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus, asking party members to not participate in the conference, citing the anti-gay extremism of its sponsors.
Liberty Counsel is among the hate-in's sponsors but Staver is not very happy about being labeled an anti-gay extremist.
According to Staver, he is being attacked merely for believing marriage is “the union of one man and one woman."
"For me believing in something that is that obvious. I am considered by some groups to be a hater. But I hate no one. I hate no one, but I believe in God's truth and I will not be silent in the face of intimidation."
In an effort to prove that he is not an extremist, Staver goes on to liken himself to Jesus when he turned over the tables of the money changers in the temple. With a flourish, he also declares that the very idea of same-sex marriage “is an absolute lie from the very pit of Hell” – and of course, dangerous to children.
But he's not homophobic.
Liberty Council also hosted a panel discussion at the Values Voter Summit warning that the U.S. "nanny state" will soon start targeting anti-gay Christians for NSA surveillance.