A group of college students at Chapman University in California booted one of their classmates from a lecture hall this week after he went on a … [Read more...] about College Students Boot Classmate from Lecture Hall After Racist, Anti-Gay Rant: WATCH
Pat Robertson: Catering For Same-Sex Weddings Like Servicing Man-Dog Weddings – VIDEO
Televangelist Pat Robertson has said that businesses catering for same-sex weddings might as well be providing their services for man-dog … [Read more...] about Pat Robertson: Catering For Same-Sex Weddings Like Servicing Man-Dog Weddings – VIDEO
Ben Carson: Gay Rights Activists Inspire Hatred, Are ‘Enemies Of America’ – VIDEO
Anti-gay activist Dr. Ben Carson, who has compared gays to pedophiles and people who have sex with animals, thinks that supporters of gay rights are … [Read more...] about Ben Carson: Gay Rights Activists Inspire Hatred, Are ‘Enemies Of America’ – VIDEO
Gordon Klingenschmitt Warns Gay People ‘Want You to Disobey God So You Go to Hell With Them’ – VIDEO
Colorado state house candidate and homophobic wingnut Gordon Klingenschmitt said on his “Pray In Jesus Name” show yesterday that LGBT activists in … [Read more...] about Gordon Klingenschmitt Warns Gay People ‘Want You to Disobey God So You Go to Hell With Them’ – VIDEO
Anti-Gay Activist Mat Staver Is Not (Repeat, Not) Anti-Gay – VIDEO
Wingnut Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver is very unhappy that he is perceived to be an anti-gay bigot Wingnut Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver … [Read more...] about Anti-Gay Activist Mat Staver Is Not (Repeat, Not) Anti-Gay – VIDEO
Disgusting Wingnut Bryan Fischer Links Bestiality Conviction With Homosexuality
Vile wingnut rent-a-voice Bryan Fischer has taken to Twitter to link bestiality with homosexuality Vile wingnut rent-a-voice Bryan Fischer has taken … [Read more...] about Disgusting Wingnut Bryan Fischer Links Bestiality Conviction With Homosexuality
Pope Francis To Exile Anti-Gay Conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke – VIDEO
Pope Francis may be about to removed homophobe Cardinal Raymond Burke from his position as head of the Vatican’s “Supreme Court,” relegating him to a … [Read more...] about Pope Francis To Exile Anti-Gay Conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke – VIDEO
Monsignor Charles Pope Explains Why Everything Gay Is Just Wrong – VIDEO
Writing for the Archdiocese of Washington, Monsignor Charles Pope has finally and categorically explained exactly what is wrong with gay … [Read more...] about Monsignor Charles Pope Explains Why Everything Gay Is Just Wrong – VIDEO
Harlem Hate Pastor Warns Michael Sam Might Marry A Nine-Year-Old Boy – VIDEO
James David Manning, birther, homophobe and chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church on 123rd Street in Harlem, New York City, has said that … [Read more...] about Harlem Hate Pastor Warns Michael Sam Might Marry A Nine-Year-Old Boy – VIDEO