Speaking with CNN's Chris Cuomo this morning, retired neurosurgeon and likely 2016 GOP candidate Ben Carson was asked about his decision to not talk about gay issues anymore in the wake of his widely lambasted comments made on Cuomo's show last month about his views that homosexuality is a choice because prison.
Said Carson:
"It seems to be a topic – a person's sexual orientation – that is of fair amount of concern to you. I don't find it to be anywhere near as interesting. I think it's a personal issue and we ought to leave it as a personal issue. I respect the LGBT community. I respect the traditional marriage community. I think that's enough to be said about it."
When Cuomo countered that the LGBT community continues to feel discriminated against in the country, Carson replied:
"I would like to see as much emphasis on the rights of Christians and people who are members of the faith community as there is to some of the other groups.
Later in the interview, Carson suggested the LGBT community is the "flavor of the day" in today's political discourse and said he doesn't support a ban on dangerous, discredited "conversion therapy," saying the issue "should be left to therapists and to individuals."