Scott Walker doesn't know if you chose to be gay or if something terrible happened to turn you down that evil path. Either way, he doesn't want you to get married – and neither does his wife apparently.
“I don't have an opinion on every single issue out there. I mean, to me, that's, I don't know,” said the Wisconsin governor when asked by CNN whether he thought being gay was a choice. “The bottom line is I'm going to stand up and work hard for every American, without regard of who they are, no matter where they come from, no matter what their background, I'm going to fight for people, whether they vote for me or not.”
Walker added that the question was “not even an issue for me to be involved in,” which is ironic considering he backs a constitutional amendment allowing states to continue banning same-sex marriage. Seems to me like Walker is already working hard to “involve” himself in the lives of LGBT Americans and their families – albeit in a way that denies them equal protections under the law.
The 2016 GOP contender also attempted to further clarify his already pathetic explanation on why the Boy Scouts of America's ban on gay adult leaders “protected children”:
“I'm not talking about personal protection. I'm talking about, for me, the reason why I didn't have a problem with it is I just think it pulls scouting into a whole larger political and cultural debate as opposed to just saying scouting is about camping and citizenship and merit badges and service awards instead of pulling all these other issues out there. And I was just hoping that they could stay focused on that, that's all.”
In addition, Walker contradicted earlier reports that he is the only member of his immediate family who opposes same-sex marriage. While Walker's two sons are vocal supporters of marriage equality, his wife Tonette stands right next to him in opposing marriage rights for gay couples.
“My wife doesn't disagree with me on my position on marriage. She said she was torn because we have some family members who have some very different views on that. She was torn just because the emotion on the family and because all of the media attention on that. Not because she was torn with me on the position,”
Hey, Walker and his wife may think it's sick and wrong for you to be having a wedding in the first place, but at least they'll attend the reception. Free cake right?
Watch Walker's uncomfortable waffling below: