Clerk #KimDavis is inside her office with the blinds closed. A Rowan Co. Sheriff's deputy is standing guard outside
— Paris Lewbel (@PLewbel) September 14, 2015
Chicago ABC36 reporter Paris Lewbel shot this photo inside the Rowan County Clerk's Office. Kim Davis hides in office with the blinds closed, as a sheriff's deputy stands guard outside.
Davis told reporters this morning:
“I don't want to have this conflict, I don't want to be in the spotlight, and I certainly don't want to be a whipping post. I'm no hero, I'm just a person who has been transformed by the grace of God…Effective immediately, and until an access is provided by those with authority to provide it, any license issued by my office will not issued or authorized by my me. I want the whole world to know, no mistake about it, that my deputy clerks do not have the authority to issue a license whatsoever. If any of them feels that they must issue an unauthorized license to avoid being thrown in jail, I understand their tough choice and I will take no action against them. However,…Any unauthorized license that they will issue will not have my name, my title, or my authority on it, Instead, they will say that they are issued pursuant to a federal court order.”
Watch her full statement HERE.
Anybody want to venture a guess as to what the end game of this will be?