Standing with #KimDavis today.
— Tony Perkins (@tperkins) September 8, 2015
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins is using the Kim Davis media circus to hock his new book No Fear, taking a photo with the now martyred county clerk who cheesily held his new religious freedom book in her hands for the photo op. Perkins' new book is written for people with Davis's ideals as's description of the book says the tome discusses “stories of young, ordinary believers who, despite incredible opposition, courageously stood up for God's truth.”
Perkins attended the county clerk and anti-same sex marriage martyr's anti-gay, anti-law rally yesterday shortly after her release from jail where he posed for pictures with his book and Davis together. Perkins also marketed his book in an interview with FOX News' Megyn Kelly this week as she interviewed him on the subject of the book and the legality of Kim Davis' imprisonment. Watch as Perkins' discusses his ode to religious freedom and appraisal of Davis, below:

[h/t JMG]