Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan got into it over Hillary Clinton on Real Time last night, with Sullivan accusing Clinton of being a “talent-free hack.”
Said Maher:
“I find her slogan ‘Are You Ready for Hillary?' perfectly capsulize how I feel about her. Am I ready for Hillary? Yes. Am I excited? No. It's like getting a shot. Are you ready? I'm ready for it.”
Replied Sullivan:
“She's a talent-free hack. What are her talents? What has she done in her entire life in Washington? As Secretary of State even? The only decision you can really put on her was the disastrous Libya invasion which repeated every mistake that George W Bush made, that violated everything that Obama stood for, and has led to disaster…”
Vollied Maher:
“Why do you hate her so much? Were you molested by a real estate lady or something? I can understand you not wanting Hillary to be president. I don't understand anybody who hates her. She is a boring centrist. It should just never rise to the level of hatred.”
Replied Sullivan:
“How does an incredibly smart person make the kind of dumb error she did with an email server?”
“You are so in the bubble on this one,” said Maher.