Actor Chris Hemsworth tweeted a shocking photo during a Twitter Q&A on Sunday of the physical transformation he underwent for his upcoming film In the Heart of the Sea, the Ron Howard epic based on Moby Dick.
Just tried a new diet/training program called "Lost At Sea". Wouldn't recommend it.. #IntheHeartoftheSea
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) November 22, 2015
Said Hemsworth: “Just tried a new diet/training program called ‘Lost At Sea'. Wouldn't recommend it.”
The film was shot in 2013 but it was the first time Hemsworth had shared the photo. Certainly a far cry from this Moby Dick.
Said Hemsworth in an interview with EW over the summer:
“When I started, I was leaner than my Thor weight, anyway…When you're already starting off lean, it's brutal to chew through that kind of weight. Every pound feels like a kilogram….We kind of went insane, weighing ourselves every day. We all felt like a bunch of supermodels, trying to get down in weight for a show, or something. That's all we spoke about. You've got 15 burly blokes on the sea and all we talked about was our diet, and who'd lost more weight, and who's looking really skinny. It's ridiculous!”