Marco Rubio's campaign unveiled the GOP candidate's first ad on Sunday and it's scheduled to start running on Tuesday under an undisclosed cable buy.
Says Rubio in the ad:
“This is a civilizational struggle between the values of freedom and liberty, and radical Islamic terror. What happened in Paris could happen here. There is no middle ground. These aren't disgruntled or disempowered people. These are radical terrorists who want to kill us, because we let women drive, because we let girls go to school…There can be no arrangement or negotiation. Either they win or we do.”
Rubio is “inching up” in the polls, according to the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll, with 11 percent. Trump still leads with 32 percent, and Ben Carson follows with 22 percent.
A FOX News poll shows Rubio and Cruz moving up to 14 percent each.
This week Rubio said that the U.S. should not only close down mosques, but any place where terrorists are inspired:
“It's not about closing down mosques. It's about closing down any place — whether it's a café, diner, an Internet site — any place where radicals are being inspired. So whatever facility is being used — it's not just a mosque — any facility that's being used to radicalize and inspire attacks against the United States, should be a place that we look at.”
He also spoke of “humiliating ISIS” with high-profile coalition attacks:
“I believe we need to subject ISIS to high profile humiliating defeat, meaning Special Operations attacks that are filmed, basically, so we can show the world that these are not invincible people.”
Watch Rubio's new ad: