Actor Terry Crews is suing William Morris Endeavor agent Adam Venit for sexual assault.
Venit returned to work at WME last week after receiving one month of unpaid suspension following Crews' claims that Venit groped him at a party in front of other industry figures.
Crews expressed on Twitter that he felt it was light punishment.
— Terry Crews (@terrycrews) November 27, 2017
Now Crews is suing Venit, TMZ reports:
The actor has already filed a police report claiming sexual assault and our law enforcement sources say that the investigation is ongoing.
In the lawsuit, Crews says Venit stared at him “like a rabid dog, sticking his tongue in and out of his mouth provocatively.” Crews said after the alleged assault he pushed Venit away, and turned to Adam Sandler yelling, “Adam, come get your boy! He's grabbing my nuts.”
Crews says on his way home from the event Adam Sandler called and asked if he was ok, and Crews responded that he was surprised he got molested at age 48. He says Sandler expressed shock at Venit's behavior…
…Crews says he's suffered psychologically and says he has never felt more emasculated and objectified. He says he worries about Venit's power in the industry and hurting his career.