A McDonald's in Glastonbury, Connecticut is making headlines after it opened next to a Chick-Fil-A and immediately made a political statement on its marquee.
NBC Connecticut reports: ‘While the chicken chain does not open until July 26, to the casual observer it appears McDonald's may already be taking a dig at their values. The sign under the golden arches reads “We Welcome Everyone.” Chick-fil-A has taken criticism in the past for the fast-food chain owner's opposition to same-sex unions and past support for anti-same-sex marriage initiatives. The chain was founded by S. Truett Cathy in 1946 and is now run by his family.'
Susan Lefleur, general manager of the Glastonbury McDonald's, told the Hartford Courant: “It has nothing to do with Chick-fil-A. We try to come up with something cute. We had to put something on there.”