The trailer for Sauvage, Camille Vidal-Naquet's feature debut which premiered at Cannes Critics Week and picked up by Strand Releasing in May, has hit the internet.
The film contains a knockout performance by French actor Félix Maritaud (BPM), according to Vulture: ‘Leo is a 22-year-old male prostitute who offers up his body without guile, wanting little from his clients besides a fleeting touch or kiss that feels like love. It's an exposed performance in every way, as Maritaud is astonishingly vulnerable or unclothed in just about every scene of this sexually frank film. Whether he is navigating a threesome with a disabled client, collapsing on a street corner, or literally throwing himself at the man he carries a torch for, “I had to give my whole body to make this guy live.”'
Vulture's critic also said some scenes were so sexually raw and dehumanizing that some people “fled the theater,” scenes Vidal-Naquet said were real and necessary: “There are clients who can absolutely dehumanize you and treat you like a total object on the pretext that they've paid you and they own you. I found that so violent.”
Check out the trailer above. It hits U.S. theaters in late 2018.