Will & Grace shared a photo featuring three members of its cast and three of the upcoming season's high-profile guests: Minnie Driver, Matt Bomer, and Adam Rippon. The show earlier announced that David Schwimmer would be joining in a recurring role as Grace's love interest.
According to the Wrap, “Bomer will play a smooth-talking, self-satisfied TV news anchor who dates Will, and Driver will return as Lorraine Finster, Karen (Megan Mullally)'s nemesis and stepdaughter. Karen finds Lorraine at the strip club she works at to try and get more money in her divorce settlement. Bronze medalist Rippon will make a cameo as himself.”
All our gay dreams are coming true! 😍 Welcome to #WillAndGrace @MattBomer, @Adaripp, and @driverminnie!
📷: @DebraMessing pic.twitter.com/FbtcoKBKc1— Will & Grace (@WillAndGrace) August 28, 2018