Earlier this week organizers of Boston's “Straight Pride Parade” received a cease-and-desist order from Netflix for listing the company as a “prospective sponsor” on their website along with 25 other major corporations, some of which have already rejected the organization's hateful mission. Netflix concluded its missive with a twist on a familiar activist chant: “You should know that we're unafraid of bullies. Our legal department is here, it's queer, and it's telling you to steer clear.”
Now, TripAdvisor has one-upped Netflix in the cease-and-desist letter arena, making their own demands of Straight Pride Parade organizers, and TripAdvisor's letter (which you can read below in full) is constructed using the names of gay pride anthems from Diana Ross, Judy Garland, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Taylor Swift, and other artists.
- I'm Coming Out
- Over The Rainbow
- Born This Way
- You Need To Calm Down
- True Colors
- Have A Little Respect
- I Will Survive
- If I Could Turn Back Time
- Black Me Out
- You Make Me Feel
- Don't Stop Me Now
- Dancing On My Own
- Believe
Writes the company, in part: “There is nothing Vogue or acceptable about making false claims about others merely to support your own cause. If I Could Turn Back Time, I would tell you not to use our name in the first place. But now that you have, TripAdvisor demands that you remove all uses of our name, mark and logo from your website (and anywhere else you might use it) within 24 hours and not use them again. In other words, Black Me Out with an “X” on the above webpage. You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) disappointment that you thought this might be an acceptable way to do business.”
Straight Pride Parade Ceast and Desist Final 1563581860 by towleroad on Scribd