Activist, author, and playwright Larry Kramer is writing a new play, An Army of Lovers Must Not Die, which deals in part with the COVID-19 crisis.
“It's about gay people having to live through three plagues,” he told the New York Times in a recent profile which also revealed that Kramer, 84, is isolating by himself in Greenwich Village as his husband David Webster is away from home on a work project.
The NYT reports: “The three plagues are H.I.V./AIDS, Covid-19 and the decline of the human body — specifically, a broken leg that Mr. Kramer, 84, suffered last April, when he fell in his apartment and lay on the floor until his home attendant arrived hours later. … He did not find that his experience during the AIDS crisis gave him perspective on the coronavirus pandemic, he said. Rather, the two eras merge into each other.”
The profile notes Kramer's friendship with Dr. Anthony Fauci, once an enemy he targeted over the government's response to the AIDS crisis in the '80s. Fauci and Kramer have since mended ways, and recently corresponded over the current virus.
“Hunker down,” was the advice Fauci gave him.