Earlier today we reported that hundreds of Trump supporters were left stranded in freezing temperatures, sending some to the hospital, following the president's rally in Omaha, Nebraska. Comic Blaire Erskine imagines what those MAGA die-hards might be saying in a satirical video that's taking social media by storm.
“I'm having a great time,” says Erskine. “I can't feel my body, but I don't really need my body. This is about Trump's body.”
“I think this whole thing's been blown way out of proportion, you know?” she adds. “Yeah, they didn't let us drive our cars here. But it's because they said, you know, our cars are poor, and that doesn't look good on TV.”
“I think [Trump] did this to teach us a lesson,” Erskine continues, “I really do. What was that lesson? Well, that's not really for me to know, and that's actually pretty nasty of you to ask.”
She goes on: “Democrats want to have their bus rides, and have their bus rides back too. This isn't the Polar Express! Tom Hanks isn't in charge of this thing, he's in Greece being a pedophile. No, I don't feel like [Trump] abandoned us. No. Listen, I would walk 750 miles in below zero temperatures nip nude just to hear him speak.”
“Yes, I've seen some elderly people passed out and unresponsive, but to be honest, the only reason there's so many of those people is because the media keeps counting them. And so if people like you guys weren't counting the old people that were on the ground, there wouldn't be as many.”