A lengthy article on Jerry Falwell Jr. and Becki Falwell reveals new details surrounding their sexual affairs and Liberty University Trustees' unwillingness to exert oversight on Jerry's behavior for tax incentive and other reasons.
Much of the Politico article revolves around recollections from a former student with whom Becki had an affair, and a neighbor and friend of the couple.
ICYMI: Becki Falwell Blew Her Son's Friend After Band Practice: Liberty University Student
The former student, who said in August that Mrs. Falwell performed oral sex on him after band practice in 2008 when he spent the night at the Falwell residence, said Becki told him that she and Jerry would play a “game” of “would you rather” as they walked around Liberty University's campus musing about what it would be like to have sex with various students.
Said the student, now 32: “Her and Jerry would eye people down on campus. She didn't go into specifics, but said, ‘Oh, me and Jerry play games all the time, like “Would you rather?” with people on campus.' I'll never forget that.”
Former university officials and Falwell associates also discussed ribald comments that Jerry used to make to them: “His alleged comments included making open references to women's appearances, discussing oral sex and offering a gratuitous assessment of his own penis size during his 13-year tenure as head of the evangelical university that his father founded, where sex is forbidden outside of marriage.”
The friend and neighbor of the Falwells, who used a building on the couple's farm for business meetings, described the moment Becki confessed to having an affair with her son's bandmate:
“One day, Becki came knocking on her door: ‘My husband opens it,' the friend recalled. ‘She comes in. I'm sitting on a chair. Neither one of us was more than 115 pounds, I don't think. She picked me up off the chair and grabbed me in this bear hug. And she's bawling her eyes out. At this point, my husband goes upstairs. [Becki says] ‘You're absolutely right I was being mean to you because I was.' And that's when she said she was having — I don't know if she said an affair or ‘thing' — with one of Trey's band members, and she was afraid if she got after them, they wouldn't hold the band practice there anymore and that she wouldn't be able to see them.'”
Apparently the Falwells also had an old Price of Admission sign in their home which Jerry explained to her: “Yeah, every time someone comes in, I say ‘Oh, that's for blowjobs.'”
The lengthy article goes on to detail the lack of oversight at the Falwells by Liberty University by the Board of Trustees because of tax incentives and fear of retribution and how that led to where they are today.