Sean Hannity welcomed Newt Gingrich to FOX News on Thursday night for a discussion of what the host called Ted Cruz's patriotism in pushing election fraud. Gingrich agreed, but took the opportunity to make some sick remarks.
Said Gingrich: “I think you are seeing the hysteria of the Biden system. Because it's not really about Biden himself. It's this entire team around him who are radicals who believe if they could exterminate the Republicans that would be one way to get to unity. As a New York Times columnist wrote this morning, you know, if Biden really wanted unity, he would start by lynching Vice President Pence. That just gives you a sense of the ferocity and the anger and the hatred that underlies the modern left. And I think that Cruz showed enormous courage. He always has.”
Morning Joe‘s Joe Scarborough went off on Gingrich's remarks: “Fox News had someone I know, a former leader of the Republican party, saying that Democrats wanted, and I'm using his words here, Democrats wanted to, quote, exterminate, exterminate all Republicans. Let me say that again for Fox News sponsors. For Fox News sponsors to let you know what's happening now on Fox News. That they are getting people who are Fox News contributors, who are saying that Democrats, Joe Biden, and Democrats, want to, quote, exterminate all Republicans. … This is sick. Willie, it's especially sick and damaging. Here we are, what, a couple weeks after an insurrection against the United States of America? I understand that Fox News is having trouble because NewsMax is taking some of its viewers. And some of the people think Fox News hasn't been harsh enough since the election. But we had mobs surging up to the United States Capitol a couple weeks ago, and you have a former Republican leader saying that all Democrats want to, quote, exterminate Republicans. That is patently un-American for him to say that. That is beyond grotesque.”