Beware Harry Potter – anti-gay pastor Kevin Swanson is worried gay characters in movies will bring god's vengeance on America.
Speaking at his Republican nominee-friendly National Religious Liberties Conference Saturday, Swanson also railed against abortion, birth control and “immoral” themes in country music. How to Train Your Dragon appeared to be particularly irksome to the sex-obsessed pastor.
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According to Right Wing Watch, Swanson – who recently called for the extermination of gay people – said “we are on the very cusp of judgment as I see it and we need to call America to repent.”
“America, repent of your rebellion against God.
“America, repent of stumbling the little ones! America, repent of Harry Potter. America, repent of How to Train Your Dragon.
“America, repent that Dumbledore emerged as a homosexual mentor for Harry Potter, that Hiccup's mentor in How to Train Your Dragon emerged as a homosexual himself in order that history might repeat itself one more time, in order that little six- and seven- and eight-year-olds might stumble, in order that tens of millions of parents, it would be better that a millstone be hanged around their neck and they be drowned at the bottom of the sea than that there would be so many people stumbling so many children in public schools, in movie theaters, in homes in which children are raised to be stumbled by the Dumbledores and by the mentors of Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon.”
Last year, Swanson said that kiddies' favorite Frozen turns children gay and leads them to witchcraft.
Watch Swanson's latest rant below.