This morning Good Morning America held a Town Hall with Ted Cruz and Cruz again proved his ability to dodge questions and turn queries about LGBT discrimination into diatribes about Christian victimization.
Todd Calogne, a married gay man who is a Republican and pizza parlor owner in New York City, stood up and said he's noticed all of the “religious freedom laws and somewhat institutionalized discrimination” laws popping up around the nation, and asked Cruz what he'll do to protect him and his husband.
Replied Cruz:
“When it comes to religious liberty, religious liberty is something that protects every one of us. Religious liberty it applies to Christians, it applies to Jews, it applies to Muslims, it applies to atheists. All of us we want to live in a world where we don't have the government dictating our beliefs, dictating how we live. We have a right to live according to our faith, according to our conscience. That freedom ultimately protects each and every one of us. We shouldn't have the right to force others to knuckle under and give up their faith, give up their belief.”
Robin Roberts noticed, like everyone else, that Cruz didn't answer the damn question, he just argued that Christians should be protected, not gays.
Said Roberts: “But when you talk about freedom, what he referred to with his husband a lot of people would say, doesn't everybody have the freedom to be treated equally, don't we all have the freedom to be equal?”
Cruz dodged the question once again.
George Stephanopoulos then questioned Cruz's support for a federal marriage amendment: “What would that mean for couples like Todd and his husband who already are married?”
“I am a constitutionalist. And under the constitution, marriage is a question for the states. That has been the case since the very beginning of this country – that it's been up to the states. And so if someone wants to change the marriage laws I don't think it should be five unelected lawyers down in Washington. Dictating that. And even if you happen to agree with that particular decision, why would you want to hand over every important public policy issue to five unelected lawyers who aren't accountable to you, who don't work for you. Instead, convince your fellow citizens to change the laws.”
So pizza show owner Calogne was left hanging – his question wasn't answered, because there is NOTHING Cruz will do to protect him and his husband. Nothing.
And that, of course, leaves everyone with another question: Todd, why the hell are you voting Republican?