Bianca Garcia, the president of Latinos for Trump, flipped out on CNN after being confronted by a fellow Trump voter about her refusal to wear a mask.
CNN New Day host Alisyn Camerota was surveying a group of Trump voters about the pandemic and the upcoming 2020 election when she was offered a bit of logic and called an “idiot” by Daniel Turner, who said he regrets his 2016 vote for the president.
“What are we freaking out about?” said Garcia, pulling out her right-wing fact sheet. “I don't understand. In 2017-2018 there was 13 percent more deaths in heart disease than in COVID [There were] three times more deaths [from] car accidents [than COVID] but we didn't shut down the interstates and take people's cars away.”
“We didn't shut down the freeways because there's car accidents,” Turner interrupted. “What we did was we did science and testing and we came to the conclusion that seatbelts were necessary to keep us out there motoring along as safely as possible. And as far as heart disease goes, I can't walk into my local supermarket and catch that from the idiot standing next to me.”
With that, Garcia blew up: “I have a breathing problem, and therefore if I don't wear a mask I'm an idiot? So you'd rather I die because I can't breathe with the mask on and I'm an idiot because I don't wear the mask!”
Replied Turner: “If you come in my grocery store and use that feeble excuse, then yes, you are.”