Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, and on Saturday blasted Republican members of Congress who “routinely strut around the Capitol without a mask to selfishly make a political statement.”
Said Grijalva: “While I cannot blame anyone directly for this, this week has shown that there are some Members of Congress who fail to take this crisis seriously. Numerous Republican members routinely strut around the Capitol without a mask to selfishly make a political statement at the expense of their colleagues, staff, and their families.”
NPR reports: “The Arizona Democrat chairs the House Natural Resources Committee, which held a hearing on Tuesday that was attended by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who has repeatedly refused to wear a mask in public. The next day, Gohmert tested positive for the coronavirus during a routine screening at the White House.”
Gohmert made the absurd suggestion on Wednesday that he might have caught COVID-19 by wearing a mask.