In an anti-gay attack just like the ones Matt Baume decried earlier today, right-wing nut and Colorado state Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt urged parents to remove their sons from the Boy Scouts to save them from molestation at the hands of gay scout leaders.
Yesterday, the Boy Scouts of America's National Executive Board overwhelmingly to end its ban on gay adults serving as scout leaders. However, in the lead up to yesterday's announcement, Klingenschmitt stuck to the tried and true trope of equating homosexuality to pedophilia.
“If your boy is in one of those organizations, you need to get the out of there,” Klingenschmitt said, “because what they're going to do is promote homosexual men to mentoring and camping with your boys in the woods and it will lead to child abuse.”
He went on to cite Matthew 18:6 to declared that it would be better for these gay child molesters to be tossed into the sea and drowned than to be allowed to “cause a child to sin,” praying that God will “rescue the Boy Scouts organization from this political correctness that has openly forced men who are guilty of all kinds, who are openly admitting that they are engaged in all kinds of sodomy.”
Individual chapters are still empowered to discriminate against LGBT people. Though that is apparently not enough for Klingenschmitt.
Watch video of Klingenschmitt's latest anti-gay rant below: