Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R, naturally) has jokingly taken credit for Donald Trump's election win because his ‘curse' on Hillary Clinton worked.
Back in October, Abbott – who earlier this year proposed a number of constitutional amendments targeting LGBT rights – tweeted “I don't believe in curses or jinks. But just in case they really work: Congratulations @HillaryClinton.”
I don't believe in curses or jinks. But just in case they really work: Congratulations @HillaryClinton.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) October 15, 2015
However, following Trump's win last week, Abbott shared his original tweet with the comment “Holy cow. It looks like this worked.”
Holy cow. It looks like this worked. https://t.co/ux9Tpw5RRn
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) November 16, 2016
Holy cow indeed.
Last year, Abbott was vocal in his opposition to Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance. In June 2015, Abbott staged a signing ceremony for the “Pastor Protection Act,” which was championed by anti-LGBT groups but merely reaffirmed existing protections under state and federal law.
(Image via Wikipedia)