The North Dakota GOP Executive Committee has voted to disavow an horrific anti-LGBT resolution that is part of the party's 2020 platform. The platform was one of 53 packaged together that received an up-or-down vote by delegates on mail-in ballots, after the party scrapped its in-person convention due to the COVID-19 crisis.
As Towleroad's John Wright reported last week, “The resolution opposes nondiscrimination laws that include sexual orientation and gender identity, or ‘SOGI bills.' While it is mostly devoted to perpetuating the anti-transgender bathroom predator myth, the resolution also accuses LGBT people of ‘recruiting' minors and ‘infecting' society with disease.”
“SOGI laws empower those practicing LGBT behaviors to assume positions of mentorships of minors often over objections of parents, influencing their emotions and thereby recruiting for their lifestyles,” the resolution states. “Many LGBT practices are unhealthy and dangerous, sometimes endangering or shortening life and sometimes infecting society at large.”
KXNet reports that the NDGOP Executive Committee has voted to disavow Resolution 31 and its “harmful and divisive language”
North Dakota Republican Party Chairman Rick Berg apologized: “North Dakota Republicans welcomes all those who support less government and greater freedom. As leaders of the State Party, we would like to offer a sincere apology for the inclusion of these unacceptable, hurtful sentiments as part of our official business.”