A 1975 letter from a district director of the Justice Department’s Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) told a gay couple that their marriage … [Read more...] about Shocking 1975 Government Document States Marriage Cannot Exist ‘Between Two Faggots’: VIDEO
Sen. Elizabeth Warren Challenges FDA Gay Blood Ban: ‘Have the Courage to Set Policies Based on Science’
Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) again spoke out against the FDA's new blood donation policy — accepting blood from gay men, but … [Read more...] about Sen. Elizabeth Warren Challenges FDA Gay Blood Ban: ‘Have the Courage to Set Policies Based on Science’
Check Out This Michigan Candidate’s Awesome Response to Anti-gay Bigotry: READ
Josh Derke, a Democratic candidate for state representative from Michigan's 93rd House District, has made public an awesome pro-LGBT letter he sent to … [Read more...] about Check Out This Michigan Candidate’s Awesome Response to Anti-gay Bigotry: READ
Anti-Gay Groups Launch ‘Unprecedented’ Campaign Against Pro-LGBT Republican Candidates: READ
Anti-gay activist groups The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), Family Research Council Action and CitizenLink are launching “an unprecedented … [Read more...] about Anti-Gay Groups Launch ‘Unprecedented’ Campaign Against Pro-LGBT Republican Candidates: READ
Fight Over Same-Sex Marriage Continues in Boulder, Colorado: READ
Colorado’s attorney general John Suthers is in a continued legal standoff with Boulder County officials on the issue of same-sex marriage. The … [Read more...] about Fight Over Same-Sex Marriage Continues in Boulder, Colorado: READ
Threatening Letters Sent To San Diego Gay Bars – VIDEO
Threatening letters have been sent to two gay bars in San Diego. Baja Betty's and Flicks, both in the Hillcrest area of the city, received the letters … [Read more...] about Threatening Letters Sent To San Diego Gay Bars – VIDEO
NY Archbishop: Gay Marriage Will Trigger Devastating Church-State Conflict
Timothy Dolan, the archibishop of New York and the ultimate Catholic authority in America (seen right kissing a sceptre), has called gay marriage … [Read more...] about NY Archbishop: Gay Marriage Will Trigger Devastating Church-State Conflict